Friday, December 5, 2008

Tonight Dad and I went to the Christmas party. It was pretty fun I have to say. For the most part it was a lot of people that work at the hospital and little offices around there, just bringing in drinks in funny ways, (Slippery Nipples in Serenges) I thought they were pretty clever. Update on moving issue: I got a house in St.Joseph, 3 bedroom 2 1/2 bath. It isn't even 1 mile away from MWSU. I'm really nervous and scared. Mom says I can't take Shia and Squirt, but Dad says I can. So...If I do take them I will have two little room mates for a while (still looking for 1-2 females). But if Mom wins and I can't take them I might go and find a Bigger Dog that is trained that will guard my life, lol. I know Shia and Squirt are SOOOOO Scary and would probably lick someones toes off if they tried to break in or whatever. So yeah thats my small issue for now. We are looking for furniture for some of the rooms and I have a few people selling stuff to me and some people letting me buy stuff from them, so its going pretty good. The house actually looks very simular to Aunt Barbs house except it has Two garages under the house and a seperate garage door out past the fenced in back yard. It is really beautiful actually and I'm really excited. I will try to post pictures as soon as I can. Love you all and Miss you so much. Please Pray for our family. Love-The Dancers

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About Our Family...

My photo
James, Peggy, Jamie, Jeremy. The four of us live in a small town in Missouri. We Also have 5 Yorkshire Terriers, Snickers, Sasha, Shia, Squirt, and Rascal. And 2 Outside Dogs, Millie and Ginger. We are a very close family and we get along most of the time!
