Saturday, February 7, 2009

My House! : )

H Hey Everyone! Jamie Here, Bringing you a blog since there hasn't been one since around Christmas time. Well, I am moved in and pretty well settled. I like it but, I miss my old room and how everything use to be. I miss not having to be scared because my daddy used to be downstairs all the time, and now he and mom are 30 min. away. I have a small band (friends) that come over and play in the basment, they are renting it out for $100 a month. I think I deserve more for having to hear. the loudness but yah know...

My Room : )

My Bathroom

Living room

Dining Room (gettin a table)

Love Ya'll God Bless! -Jamie Dancer and Family.

My Kitchen!

1 comment:

The Schweitzer Family said...

Is that all liquor!!!???? Hope your doing great!! Love ya!

About Our Family...

My photo
James, Peggy, Jamie, Jeremy. The four of us live in a small town in Missouri. We Also have 5 Yorkshire Terriers, Snickers, Sasha, Shia, Squirt, and Rascal. And 2 Outside Dogs, Millie and Ginger. We are a very close family and we get along most of the time!
