Sunday, October 5, 2008


For the first blog of my life, I get to talk about Jeremy (my little brother). Well, He's all about gettin' out and ridin' on dirt bikes and four wheelers...Except last night he went skating at the local skating rink in town and somehow hit the wall with his ankle...was in pain all night and mom heard some crunching in his ankle. So he got X-rays today of his lil ol' ankle and well the broke it all the way through his tibia and fibia...and maybe even his growth plate! Yeah, He's actually getting to sleep in dad and moms bed. Also has an appointment tomorrow to find out about surgery (If they think he needs it).Well for those of you who are wondering Dad (Jim) and Mom (Peggy-Margaret) are both doing well, nothing real exciting happening so far. House has been a little wild and crazy but that is nothing out of the norm. Sasha and Snickers are having babies...Due October 29 give or take about 3 days due to having them artificially inseminated (he he). We are all very excited and since Sasha and snickers were 1 year 1 month and 1 day apart, the babies are kind of coming right in between their b-days! Jeremy is doing well in school, and I am too seeing that it is my first year in college. I have made A's on my first tests and my first essay in English, also passed out of my Reading class...So that's all pretty exciting! I love it so far just wandering whats going to happen in the Winter!

Blog Soon I suppose and let you all know about Jeremy's Ankle!

God Bless,
The Dancer's


The Schweitzer Family said...

Very nice... if you go to that same area you went to to add your link list, you can add pictures! Its great your blogging! We just need to get everyone doing it! Love ya'll Jess & fam

The Wiechman's said...

Cool! Glad to hear updates on you!

The Cox Family said...

welcome to the world of blogging! I've had my blogspot for about a month now but not sure anyone ever checks it out. Glad to see more family members going use in blogging.

About Our Family...

My photo
James, Peggy, Jamie, Jeremy. The four of us live in a small town in Missouri. We Also have 5 Yorkshire Terriers, Snickers, Sasha, Shia, Squirt, and Rascal. And 2 Outside Dogs, Millie and Ginger. We are a very close family and we get along most of the time!
